Focus Points
Our ESL class provided by Focus Points, is designed for refugees who have been in the U.S. for less than 5 years. The funding for this class comes from the Colorado Division of Refugee Services, therefore this class is FREE OF CHARGE for refugees. Focus Points also provides FREE ONSITE CHILDCARE for walking ages kids.

Learning english through story listening (letsl)
This innovative method is ideal for people in beginners to intermediate levels. All members of the family can participate, including children. Acquire English through listening to interesting stories. This can also be a complementary class to the traditional methods.
literacy for adults in spanish/ alfabetización para adultos en español
This class is designed for adults hispanic immigrants and refugees, who would like to learn how to read and write in their native language. Studies show that literacy skills translate from one language to another with the same alphabet.

Coming soon
Read MoreWhen: Mondays and Wednesdays Time: Morning and Afternoon classes available Registration: On going Basis To register you can make an appointment or walk-in every Monday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm PH: 303-292-0770 X-128 kellie@focuspoints.org